Monday, July 7, 2014

Spain thus far

The journey to Spain wasn't easy, but after a 3 hour delay and a sleepless plane flight, I finally made it. I am very fortunate to be able to stay with family friends so I have an expert to show me around the city and people my age to go out with. 

On Friday, we went into Barcelona and saw some sights. We visited two houses designed by Gaudí, an archaeological site, and the Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar.  Later that night, we went to the town square of Terrassa and watched drum lines perform. There also dragons with firecrackers on them and fire breathers. 

On Saturday, I experienced an amazing Catalon cultural event. Teams of people competed to build the highest and most difficult towers. The towers were constructed by standing on top of each other's shoulders and climbing up. They were 8 or 9 people tall. When the whole tower is constructed, a little girl has to climb up one side and down the other. There were three teams competing. 

Today, I went back into Barcelona. I saw Gaudí's personal house but couldn't go in because it was closed. Then we walked down to the marina and saw a giant statue of Christopher Columbus pointing towards the West Indies (America). Next we went to Segrada Família. It was hands down the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I was genuinely speechless. 

I have one more day in Spain and then I'm off to Budapest. 

The streets of Barcelona

El Born archaeological site

Castello human tower building competition 

Christopher Columbus pointing towards America

The outside of Segrada Família

The ceiling of Segrada Família. Gaudí  was inspired by nature and designed the inside to look like a forest. 

1 comment:

  1. Aren't the European cathedrals amazing? One of my favorite things about visiting Europe. So glad you are posting your trip this year so we can virtually travel with you. Safe journey!
